Totke For Selling Property
Lal Kitab Totke to Sale House,Plot and Shop
Often we want our land, house, house i.e. property to be sold at a good price. But often due to many troubles or problems, our property appears to be sold. In such a situation, people try a lot but no solution or method works. If you are also worried that your property is not being sold due to family disputes, court cases or any other reason, then do not worry. Today we will tell you the ways to sell the land of Guruji Maharaj, so that your property will be sold easily.
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Let’s look at some ways to sell land
Ways to sell the property: If you are also worried about the non-sale of your property and you have to sell the land, then read the following land tips of AstroBabaji :
Ways to sell Adopt these measures by Lal Kitab AstroBabag and you will definitely get the fruits. 1.By planting a pomegranate sapling in that land or building on a Sunday.
Read Also : Totke to get married soon
On Saturday, a large oil lamp was continuously lit in the temple of Bhairon ji.
3.Put mustard oil on 21 pieces of whole urad and throw it in that land or building.
4.Chant “Om Vakra Tundaya Namah” for straightening the work…