7 Must-Try Tulsi Vashikaran Totke for Prosperity

Astro Baba Ji
4 min read2 days ago


Tulsi Vashikaran Totke

Tulsi is also recognized as holy basil and is considered to be very sacred in Hindu culture. This has been employed in spiritual and religious practices in addition to ayurvedic healing practices for millennia. Tulsi has been found to have some religious and mystical importance that could be useful in spell casting especially in relation to love. In India, the use of Tulsi for vashikaran, meaning attraction or exerting influence over the mind has been in practice for a long time. So here are some of the Tulsi vashikaran totke or remedies that people opt for in order to attract a partner or to make up for a weak relationship.

Tulsi vashikaran puja is specifically done for the intention of getting married to the preferred individual. One of the rituals is to go around a Tulsi plant at night after lighting a lamp and reciting a particular mantra one hundred and eight times. In the chants, you are required to create a picture of the person you wish to have a sexual affair with and concentrate on the image. Thus, it is said that if they are asked to do this puja for seven nights, then it develops attraction in their mind for you in the context of marriage.

One more totka is when you should take 4–5 leaves of Tulsi, specially Krishna tulsi which is dark green and write down your name and your partner’s name using sandalwood powder or sindoor. Recite ‘Om Namah Shivay’ 21 times with complete concentration and while doing so, visualise your partner. Then fold the leaves, put them into an amulet and always wear it or put it close always. This will create love in the person’s heart for you ‘King Solomon, Proverbs 5:19.

This process involves plucking 11 leaves of Tulsi plant and writing the name of the person you love 11 times on each leaf and placing them in a glass bottle to be used for marriage. Taking a tulsi leaf and writing down your partners name with honey on it and then eating it in the morning is said to create a thought in his or her mind all day. When done daily, this saadhana is very effective in making someone to develop a deep sense of infatuation.

According to an ancient totka, a woman should pick 7 mature leaves of Tulsi with her right hand while standing at midnight on the full moon night. Take them home immediately, clean them and develop the veins of the hands with haldi-kumkum at night. Recall your partner in the morning and light ghee diya under a tulsi plant and allow the leaves to get burned in the diya with sincerity. By following this for 21 days without break, the person you want to attract most will be completely under the spell.

Tulsi plant is a common household plant and the plant is often placed in an area of worship. Soil taken from the ground around this holy Tulsi, few roses petals added to it and made into a tilak and used when beginning any vashikaran process is very beneficial when one has relationship issues or marriage difficulties. It is also believed that if a person takes an incense stick and circles the Tulsi plant 7 times and prays with sincerity, one is bound to get one’s love wishes fulfilled.

Daily, married people should water and care for the Tulsi plant as an offering to the gods, which in turn fosters positive energy that clears up problems between spouses. Pure flowers, sweets, haldi-kumkum or coin to Tulsi daily and praying to it to save the relationship makes the relationship stronger. A Tulsi mala made of beads with a small Tulsi plant is chanted with mantras and can help in enticing love when worn on auspicious days after the proper rituals.

Therefore, it is beyond any doubt that Tulsi is one of the magical plants which holds powers that can create attraction. Some of the effective vashikaran totkas or remedies that have been passed on from generations or centuries to get the desired one as a life partner and lead a happy married life are as follows: Cultivating love worship with faith and offering Tulsi flower can make impossible love unions possible according to the Indian culture.

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Astro Baba Ji

Baba Ji has 20 years of experience in Tantra, Mantra, Tone, Totke, Vashikaran, Kala Jadu and Puja. For Free Consultant Please Visit: https://www.astrobabag.com